
How I am embracing my new identity as a new parent
Becoming a mom was one of the best things that ever happened to me. From the day I first held my daughter in my arms, I felt a wave of indescribable love wash over me. I knew I would never let anyt...

I want more kids but my partner wants to stop at two
My partner and I are pregnant with baby number two. It’s a little overwhelming, but I still have this picture in my head of us being a family with at least four kids. I know my partner doesn’t want...

I have a favorite child and I’m feeling guilty about it
One of your kids is super easy to deal with. She gets you, you get her, and you operate on the same wavelength. Your other child is the complete opposite; you are constantly clashing and half the t...

Is it normal to feel sad when you breastfeed?
Breastfeeding went off without a hitch at the start. My baby latched like a natural, and I had no problems with my supply. However, a day or so later, just before I fed my little one, I got a sinki...

Celebrating Black Breastfeeding week: What it is and why it matters
August is Global Breastfeeding Awareness Month. It is a month dedicated to highlighting the importance of breast milk as the primary source of nutrition for infants. According to the American Acade...

How to overcome your fear of breastfeeding
In this guide, we shall highlight some of the common fears most moms have about breastfeeding. We shall also tell you what you can do to get past them to ensure that you have a wonderful breastfeed...

Secrets every breastfeeding mom should know
In this guide, we’ll let you in on a few breastfeeding secrets that every mom needs to know. If you have been wondering how you can meet your breastfeeding goals despite the challenges, you have co...

Breastfeeding Anxiety: What to do about it
Studies show that 1 in 10 people will experience an anxiety disorder at some point in their lives. This number increases significantly among pregnant women and new mothers...

15 Breastfeeding FAQs to help you get started
This guide is a collection of common breastfeeding questions and their answers. Hopefully, once you have all the answers, you will be better equipped to nurse your little one.